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506 results found
Lot 314
2021 John Deere 17G excavator, OROPS, 9" rubber tracks, 3'1" stick, 9" quick coupler bucket, 3rd valve, front blade, pattern changer, adjustable track width, runs & operates, 345 hrs showing, SN: 1FF017GXPMK231118.
Lot 315
Sitrex SB210 7' 3pt mount sickle mower, PTO drive, SN: 325007.
Lot 316
2017 Cat 236D skid steer, cab w/AC, aux hyds, 2-spd, hyd quick coupler, bucket, 12x16.5 tires, pilot controls, air suspension seat w/heat, runs & operates, 2038 hrs showing, SN: CAT0236DHBGZ03922.
Lot 317
2022 John Deere 3032E compact tractor, open station, 4x4, John Deere 300E loader, R4 tires, hydro trans, runs & operates, 1,026 hrs showing, SN: 1LV3032ELNN144486.
Lot 318
2014 John Deere 625I Gator utility vehicle, cab w/heat, 4x4, gas engine, dump bed, auto trans, runs & operates, 1,527 hrs showing, VIN: 1M0625GSEEM082039.
Lot 319
2021 John Deere XUV560E utility vehicle, 4x4, gas engine, roll cage, dump box, auto trans, runs & operates, 202 hrs showing, VIN: 1M0560EAKMM040374.
Lot 323
Baker B-50-PD pneumatic tire forklift, OROPS, Deutz diesel engine, shuttle trans, runs & operates, 3,028 hrs showing, SN: 351901020125.
Lot 324
2011 Bobcat CT335 compact tractor, open station, 4x4, shuttle shift trans, Bobcat 8TL loader, R4 tires, runs & operates, 331 hrs showing, SN: AK9G11216.
Lot 325
2012 John Deere 644K wheel loader, cab w/AC, 23.5x25 tires, 4-spd powershift trans, 3rd valve, 120" pin on high dump bucket, runs & operates, 11,957 hrs showing, SN: 1DW644KZJBE640127.
Lot 326
2018 Takeuchi TB235-2 excavator, OROPS, 12" rubber tracks, 5'4" stick, front blade, 24" quick coupler bucket, pattern changer, runs & operates, 2,347 hrs showing, SN: 123600185.
Lot 327
2019 Takeuchi TB260 excavator, cab w/AC, 16" rubber tracks, 5'10" stick, front blade, 24" quick coupler bucket, hyd thumb, pattern changer, 3rd valve, runs & operates, 1,872 hrs showing, SN: 126103598.
Lot 328
2014 New Holland T8.330 tractor, CHA, MFD, 480/80R50 rear tires, 380/80R38 front duals, 19-spd powershift trans, 3-PTO capable, 4-hyds, quick hitch, full guidance package, front axle suspension, cab suspension, leather seats, 10-front weights, runs & operates, 3,138 hrs showing, SN: ZDRC01173.
Lot 329
2001 Case 580SM tractor loader backhoe, cab w/heat, 4x4, shuttle trans, ext hoe, 30" digging bucket, runs & operates, 5,144 hrs showing, SN: JJG0279277.
Lot 331
Farm King 2400 round baler mover, tandem axle, loading arm, push bar unload, hyd drive, double wide, control box, SN: BM240012000015.
Lot 332
2012 Case IH Magnum 290 tractor, CHA, MFD, 480/80R50 rear tires, 380/80R38 front duals, 19-spd powershift trans, 4-hyds, 1,000 PTO, quick hitch, runs & operates, 9,839 hrs showing, SN: ZBRD03413.
Lot 333
2017 JLG 600AJ boom lift, 4x4, Deutz diesel engine, 60' lift, jib, 355/55D625 tires, swivel basket, Sky Power, runs & operates, 1,765 hrs showing, SN: 0300233787.
Lot 334
Brillion CD-73 7-shank disc chisel plow, SN: 125057.
Lot 335
Meyers 300 single axle manure spreader, hyd end gate, 540 PTO, SN: 17ML03.
Lot 336
2015 New Holland H7330 10'4" discbine, side pull hitch, 540 PTO, drawbar hitch, hyd swing, transport lights, impeller conditioning, SN: YFN256597.
Lot 338
1999 H&S BF14HC 14-wheel high capacity wheel rake, hyd fold, SN: 990890.
Lot 339
2017 Atlas Copco EC 120T excavator mount hyd breaker, 65 mm pins, 11" inside to inside of ears, 14 1/2" center to center of pins, SN: DEQ161540.
Lot 340
John Deere 7200 Max Emerge 2 4-row corn planter, 30" spacing, dry fertilizer, SN: A07200A100408.
Lot 344
2020 JLG T350 towable boom lift, electric powered, 35' lift, outriggers, ball hitch, operational, 56 hrs showing, SN: 0030011790.
Lot 346
2022 Stoltzfus 40' bale trailer, tandem axle, 12.5L-15 tires, front dolly wheels, adjustable tongue, SN: 235670.
Lot 347
1995 New Holland 8970 tractor, CHA, MFD, 18.4x46 axle duals, powershift trans, 1,000 PTO, 4-hyds, Super Steer front axle, 22-front weights, runs & operates, 14,052 hrs showing, SN: D406493.